Thursday, October 30, 2008
She's here!
Stella weighed 6 lbs 8 oz and measured about 19 inches long. She has a strong set of lungs and lets us know when she wants something but is adorable and tiny.
We are so thankful that God gave us this gift and are enjoying every day with her.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I think we're ready!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Oh and by the way.... the diapers, they are sooooooo small! I don't think it quite has hit me how small she will be, even though I know she can't be any bigger than my tummy (which seems to grow every night).
I can't wait to meet our little one. And she is almost here. I would love to have her on my Dad's birthday but it still may be a little too soon. We'll know on Tuesday!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Baby Shower
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Full Term!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Ultrasound Today
We are at about 36 weeks. Stella will be considered full-term at 37 weeks but we're planning for her to hold off until after Mama arrives on the 21st. There is the possibility she might not come until after the 1st of November but I am hoping that by Halloween we'll have our little pumpkin!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
One Month To Go
We are still trying to figure out some things about the nursery but at least we feel we are at a point that we are happy with. Our only big purchase that I feel needs to be made pretty soon is the Play yard with bassinet and changer. Unfortunately the one I want I waited too long to get and is no longer available. Everything else is just the small stuff.
We are planning to get the car ready this weekend with my bag and emergency stuff if my water breaks while in public (we don't want it to leak on the car, ewwww). We need to install the car seat and I need to get a couple of thing for the going home bag.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Still a work in progress...
These are new pictures of what we have done! Thank you to everyone who has sent gifts.
If you want to view the entire photo album, click on the link below (or copy & paste in the address bar).
Another Saturday Workday
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Wednesday - Hump Day
I only have six more weeks to go but I'm beginning to feel the desire for it to be much sooner. I know though that the longer she is in until closer to the time, the better it is for her so I will wait and see the doctor on Tuesday and just continue waddling around until then.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Belly Pictures
It's Saturday!
1) Put together travel system and read about how to install car seat
2) Finish the other Precious Moments picture and begin hanging frames
3) Decorate Toy Box and Stool
4) Work on Changing Table
5) Mail out thank you cards
6) Take more pictures and post
I do have to do a couple of school things:
1) Update grades
2) Work on accreditation packets
3) Get recess equipment
4) Update Lesson Plans for rest of September
5) Work on Class Handbook for Substitute Plans
Friday, September 12, 2008
Vote for your Favorite Bedding!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Incredible Feelings
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Doctor's Appointment
I'm feeling okay, just getting tired throughout the day but our praise is the the heat is going down - it'll only be 98 on Thursday!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Yeah! People have visited the site.
Thank you to everyone for your prayers and support. I can't wait to be able to send out the baby announcements and our Christmas cards spotlighting Stella, our little star!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Pictures of me & my belly
First Trimester: I look happy here with Richard and was just excited not to be throwing up at the time.
Second Trimester: I got to go to Georgia and visit with family and friends. I am beginning to look pregnant due to Maternity clothes which I must say are very comfortable.

Third Trimester: I am growing and the baby is getting stronger and stronger every day - this is at 32 weeks.
Nursery Preparations
These are before pictures of the room selected to be the nursery. It was mostly for storage but now it's been cleaned out for the baby.
This was after I finished cleaning and moving things out. A week long project got the room looking good and empty to begin moving stuff in.
The frame is a collage of Precious Moments pictures that have been colored. I have other pictures I have finished and just need to frame to match. Then we'll decide where to hang them up.
We have finally started buying items for the room. Here is our crib. We are waiting for the mattress to be delivered and then will decide on bedding. Richard is also holding up a picture that I made from gift bags that were given to us.
Other Nursery Plans:
Now we need to get the bedding and hang up decorations.
We are going to decorate the toy trunk and stool in the room.
I am going to finish converting the desk into a changing table.
Richard is going to make letters to hang up Stella's name on the wall.
And there is sooooo much shopping left to do to get things organized. I can't wait until my mom comes to be able to help me decide!
My first blog
We are thankful for everyone's support and prayers and are ready to welcome Baby Stella to our family in 8-10 weeks!